Since the inception of our website, I have made a habit of keeping up to date various resources that may be useful to the #100BusinessGirls community. I just added a Business Loan Guide produced by that I thought would be useful.
Consumer Affairs is one of the leading expert resources when it comes to making smarter buying decisions, and their guide provides a variety of options that may help finance your vision. If you are considering applying for a business loan, now or in the future, this would be a good place to start your research and just become aware of the options available.
One of the biggest obstacles women in business encounter is funding. Please know that you can start a business without a loan. I repeat you don't need a loan to start a business. But depending on what type of business you operate, you may be interested in seeking one to grow your business.
If you never visited our Resources Suite click here to go there now. Not only do we have things about startups, but you can find links to information on other organizations for women in business, agencies that assist small business owners, and a listing of recommended books. We also have a fully curated Amazon bookstore where you can browse and shop from our bookshelf.